Embody the wisdom of the earth signs

In this FREE masterclass, I help you invoke the wisdom of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, energies that we ALL have in our charts, so you can enhance your innate gifts of ambition, building, mastery and pleasure.

I share my story and offer potent journal prompts to get you thinking about how earth magic shows up in your life.

Earth magic is the key to creating heaven on earth. This class is for passionate entrepeneurs chasing big success, lovers learning about boundaries and security with self, earthy babes deepening into their power and presence.

Part class. Part ritual. Whole ass magic.

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Join me for a FREE masterclass 🌍

We'll invoke the wisdom of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, energies that we ALL have in our charts, so you can enhance your innate gifts of ambition, building, mastery and pleasure.

Earth magic is the key to creating heaven on earth. This class is for passionate entrepeneurs chasing big success, lovers learning about boundaries and security with self, earthy babes deepening into their power and presence.

Part class. Part ritual. Whole ass magic.

LIVE on September 23rd. 9pm ICT (Bangkok time - please compare against your own timezone). Replay will be available.


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