






Your good girl days are numbered.

For two thousand years, women have been taught to be small, smiling, subservient.

To mask our discomfort and prioritise connection.

Over our needs. Over our dreams. Over our safety.

To bend and contort to the will of another person (often a man).

To primp and polish until we are deemed acceptable, and not even then.

The people pleasing. The perfectionism. The self-doubt. The playing small.

We're all running good girl programming on some level.

But those days are numbered.

The dark feminine has rooted, descended and is rising once more.

You can feel Her in your hips, how they want to move.

And on your tongue, ready to bite at those who try to control Her.

Because when you integrate your dark feminine, you become a liberated woman.

Untouchable by conditioning, judgement and shame.

We're done performing and playing nice.

We're ready to stand in our fullness and truth.


Move over Eve, it's Lilith's turn now.

As the OG rebel woman, who was kicked out of the Garden of Eden because she demanded equality, because she tasted the sweetness of power.

Lilith is a goddess who is making herself known.

I've had SO many clients called by her over the last couple of years.

And those that feel the tug of the dark feminine, the ex-nice girls and the ones who crave more, usually have an interesting connection to her astrologically.

Which is what we'll be exploring in this class.

Black Moon Lilith

in this 2hr masterclass, I will teach you about the placement of Black Moon Lilith in your chart.

Feminine Polarity

And show you how to balance the light of the good girl with the dark of the bad girl.

Dark Goddess

If you've ever been intrigued about the dark goddess and her lore, this is the class for you.

This is a pre-recorded masterclass. You will get instant access to watch at your own pace.



  • 2hr masterclass on Black Moon Lilith and integrating the dark feminine
  • Lifetime access
save your place

two masterclass pass


get 50% off when you join both classes

  • GOOD GIRL BAD GIRL - 2hr masterclass on Black Moon Lilith and integrating the dark feminine
  • VENUSIAN BRANDING - 2hr masterclass on visual branding and magnetic marketing with your venus placement - read about this class here
  • Lifetime access to both classes
join both classes

VIP: unleash your full power


includes both classes and 1:1 support

  • includes a 1:1 90min "Astro Branding Session" with me - start the new year with passion & profound clarity around who you are, your gifts and how you can best express your liberated feminine as seen in your birth chart so you feel confident to show up as you are, work your magnetism and receive all you deserve and more
  • GOOD GIRL BAD GIRL - 2hr masterclass on Black Moon Lilith and integrating the dark feminine
  • VENUSIAN BRANDING - 2hr masterclass on visual branding and magnetic marketing with your venus placement
  • Lifetime access to both classes
go even deeper