







Have you ever stumbled across someone's marketing that made you gasp in delight?.

The colours, the images, everything that person said, it all came together to create a vibe that makes your toes tingle with admiration, or perhaps even envy!

How did they do that? Did they hire someone? Is it magic? And how can you do it too? But in your own way.

How do you create an online presence that looks, FEELS and sounds like your most delicious expression?

Because the space you take up online is a living breathing representation of your business. Especially on Instagram, which is primarily a visual platform.

And so many of you AREN'T absolutely DELIGHTED with it. You don't have that toe-curling joyful squeal of excitement when you look at it.

You feel bored or confused with the identity you've put out there. Perhaps you've played with some new vibes but one just hasn't clicked for you yet.

You just don't know where to start, what to choose, how to make it cohesive.

You've been told it has to be AUTHENTIC. It has to be YOU. But you've also understood that it's not only about you (duh) it's also about the people you serve and what THEY want.

You've seen how others are doing it, what's trendy, and you might have tried that too.

You know you have exquisite taste but it just isn't translating online.

No wonder you're confused.

And you know what will give you clarity and direction around this?



I've been mentoring clients on their branding and aesthetics for a while now, and the results are WILD..

When they aligned their marketing and visual identity with their birth charts, they suddenly felt it all click into place. They finally GOT IT. Who they are destined to be online and what that actually looks like.

So this class will take one aspect of my 1:1 Astro Branding sessions and teach it for you to do yourself.

And of course, it's Venus!

Venus rules over aesthetics, beauty and magnetism.

In this 2hr masterclass, we'll explore Venus through each of the 12 signs, plus some of the aspects to her, and how that specifically guides your aesthetic choices.

So you can create a brand that is visually delicious and oh-so YOU.

You will leave with a clear blueprint of what your most magnetic online identity LOOKS LIKE.

So you never have aesthetic envy again.

Cos YOU'RE the one with the killer vibe.

You're the one magnetizing clients who are drooling over you and your work.

You're the one who's created a whole world in your image. Just like the living goddess you are.

Come and play with pretty things! It's going to be fun.

Ellie xoxo

Magnetic Branding

in this 2hr masterclass, I will teach you the foundations of a beautiful magnetic visual brand.

Venus Placements

And go through all 12 Venus signs so you can align your aesthetic with your astrological chart.

Visual Identity

If you know you could be showing up as more YOU online, this class will show you how.

This is a pre-recorded masterclass. You will get instant access to watch at your own pace.



  • 2hr masterclass on on visual branding and magnetic marketing with your venus placement
  • Lifetime access
save your place

two masterclass pass


get 50% off when you join both classes

  • VENUSIAN BRANDING - 2hr masterclass on visual branding and magnetic marketing with your venus placement
  • GOOD GIRL BAD GIRL - 2hr masterclass on Black Moon Lilith and integrating the dark feminine - read about this class here
  • Lifetime access to both classes
join both classes

VIP: unleash your full power


includes both classes and 1:1 support

  • includes a 1:1 90min "Astro Branding Session" with me - start the new year with passion & profound clarity around who you are, your gifts and how you can best express your liberated feminine as seen in your birth chart so you feel confident to show up as you are, work your magnetism and receive all you deserve and more
  • GOOD GIRL BAD GIRL - 2hr masterclass on Black Moon Lilith and integrating the dark feminine
  • VENUSIAN BRANDING - 2hr masterclass on visual branding and magnetic marketing with your venus placement
  • Lifetime access to both classes
go even deeper