well of power - pluto masterclass

A 3hr masterclass, ritual and group coaching deep dive all about the astrological significance of Pluto and how to use this wisdom to trigger wild transformation, embody your power, and pull yourself out of darkness and into your purpose.


Well of power is for you if:

  • you WANT something but are sat on the fence and can't bring yourself to take the steps towards it
  • you're in a less than ideal situation that doesn't feel fair but you KNOW you're meant for more
  • you have a vision but can't seem to find your way to consistently make it happen in the real world
  • you have a lot of Pluto energy in your chart and want to learn how to harness it
  • you have a TON of past experiences, limitations, narratives that tell you that you can't do or have something
  • you've tried a ton of methods, courses, mindsets but none of them seemed to stick, maybe you even started to believe that this is your fault and there's something wrong with you
  • you've considered giving up, settling for less, becoming a muggle or spending long periods of time glaring into a mirror and asking why it's gotta be like this
  • you KNOW that deep within you, there is a well of power that is equal parts scary and awesome
  • you're willing to dip a toe into that well, fuck around and find out what you're truly capable of


I channelled this class because I have had my own frustrating limitations that have taught me the faith and resilience to commit to what I want and get it...


If the goddess appeared before you and gave you one blessing, what would it be?

The first answer that popped into your head will tell you a lot about where you have resistance, as well as what you can do to dissolve that resistance.

I recently moved back to Thailand after six weeks being home in England. In the short time I was away from my gorge little tropical island, a housing crisis has set in, meaning everything is fully booked.

So when I arrived not-so-fresh off the ferry (plus domestic AND international flights) I was gutted to find my resort room (which cost more for one week than my entire previous monthly rent) was mouldy as fuck. Cue allergies.

I have Pluto in my 4th house, which represents instability in my home-life, and constant deaths and rebirths to my sense of emotional safety. I've had a lot of very challenging experiences in this area, so naturally, I was triggered.

In astrocartography, my Pluto line runs right through Thailand. It's where I come to transform and rise up. Most people don't love living on their Pluto line as it can be like a constant tower card moment. I've usually found it to be the medicine I need.

So after a sad girl 24hrs, I got told there was no way I could change my room, so I prayed to Maa Kali.

The following morning, I was sitting in a coffee shop, writing this very post when an old hippie walks past and points at my Maa Kali tattoo and grins – RIGHT as I write her name.

I kept getting 333 everywhere I looked, which is my sign that I'm being divinely guided.

So, I started to really trust. I asked myself what would I be doing if I KNEW this situation would somehow magically improve? I regulated myself. I slowed the f down.

And after two nights in mould city, I was told they had *somehow* freed up another room for me in a completely different area (without mould) and a great view of the pool.

The number on the door? 108. The master spiritual number of all numbers. I bowed the fuck down to the magic of the goddess and am now enjoying my new space.

So when I asked you what you would request from the goddess, lean into the idea that this might be a theme you struggle with, just like my experiences with unstable housing.

And then, ask yourself, if you had to BELIEVE that the goddess was going to deliver, what would you do differently?

And finally, figure out what Pluto is up to in your chart, because this will show you where a deep well of resilience and power are hiding beneath resistance.

I'm running an event to teach you about this, it's called WELL OF POWER and we’ll dive into Pluto placements, transforming limitations, and how to pull yourself out of darkness and into your purpose. There will be high value astro teachings (as always) and group coaching to guide you out of your own way.

It's the most accessible thing I've done so far because I've had a lot of people wanting to work with me recently and not being able to take the leap. This is for those of you who want change but can't seem to find the spark.


This class is be delivered in two parts:

- part one is an in-depth masterclass where I'll teach you about your Pluto placement and what it says about your resistance, limitations and the powerful resilience that will help you transform

- part two is a pre-recorded group coaching session where I personally coach attendees on their pluto placements, complete with business blocks, relationship and people pleasing frustrations, self-expression and much more... this is a highly valuable segment where you can learn a lot for your own personal journey.


Well of Power is a 3hr pre-recorded masterclass jam-packed with astrology, relationship, business and confidence advice, through the lens of pluto and empowerment!

Are you ready to go DEEP?



Love you,

Ellie xoxo


£46.00 GBP or more