astrology & social media

Become magnetic online using your birth chart 🪐

A 2hr masterclass for content creators, biz babes, coaches and healers to understand their unique energy and shine their authentic light online.

Showing up on social media can be hard! This class is for you if:

  • You are creating an online social media platform or business and would like to grow it - but without "selling out" or pretending
  • You want to be authentic online, but also do all the right things to be successful in your own way and you know there is some strategy needed for that
  • You know that astrology is so powerful for reminding you of who you are and what your strengths are
  • You are so done with the marketing bros who give you a copy-paste blueprint and you're ready to create your own way and be celebrated for it

This class contains all the info you need to begin blowing up your social media account while having endless fun and being your unique self.

I take you through your own birth chart to find the clues as to your most authentic expression.

From personas to messaging and content, this class will give you enough information to feel confident that you are running your social media account as your true self - and that is where the magnetism lies!

Includes several of my most potent journal prompts to help clear any blocks you might have around being seen, and taking up the space you truly deserve.



£75.00 GBP